message 9

How are you doing? In our last article, we encouraged you to evaluate your music choices and listening habits. Have you changed anything in connection to these? If so, have you noticed any positive changes in your thoughts, life? If so, maybe share these changes with us or with someone you know. 
Another idea for you to consider this week is your pre-bedtime routine. I have found that what I am listening to or watching before I go to bed influences what I think about while I am sleeping (subconsciously) or when I wake up during the night (which unfortunately is too often), and often influences what is on my mind when I wake up in the morning. The more positive my activity is (what I watch, read, listen to) before I go to sleep, the more positive my thoughts are in the next 8 hours or so. This phenomenon also negates a person’s objection to reading the Bible or praying before going to sleep: “I just fall asleep if I do those.” Well, if you do fall asleep, think of the positive effect that will have on your sleep thoughts!!
Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

Message 8

If you were here last week, you sang “First Things First”—
            Riches and fame and all that they could buy
            I’ve come to find they never satisfy
            What would I gain if my soul’s the price?
                        I don’t wanna love what the world loves
                        I don’t wanna chase what the world does
                        I only want You. I only want You.
Powerful words—did you realize what you were saying—did you mean the words?

Jesus wants your heart, your will—and He wants what is best for you. We pray and hope that that is what you also want, and that is why we write these articles—to encourage you to live a life of faith for Him and to be able to stand for Him when the times come to do so. We want to continue to encourage you to surround yourself and fill your mind with godly things—things that bring you closer to Him. 
The only “help” we want to offer this week is for you to evaluate your music listening habits/patterns and judge if they are good for your spirit or not. No matter what your conclusions are, add God-pleasing music into your life. Turn on a Christian radio station, stream Christian music, go on YouTube and search any song or hymn you like—or search “contemporary worship music” or “sacred hymns”—and then listen and praise God in a different setting than church. You will be blessed when you do.

In His and your service,
Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

Suggestions: K-LOVE-105.3 FM (Christian contemporary); WJOI-1340 AM (Christian talk); WVCY-107.7 FM (Christian traditional); Relevant Radio-1640 AM, 101.1 FM (Christian talk); WGLB-1560 AM (Gospel); Family Life-88.1 FM (traditional); Sirius XM: The Message-63; Kirk Franklin’s Praise-64; Enlighten-65.

message 7

“Set your mind on things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” Col 3:2  Why? The answer is in verse 4: “When Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory.” If that is something you truly want, pray earnestly for the wisdom that will allow you to do that; then make any changes that might be hindering this from happening. Following are some practical ideas to help you do so.

            *Instead of going down the “rabbit holes” that YouTube (or any secular site) opens up, go down ones that Right Now Media will provide you (You have free access to that through church.).
            *Examine the apps you have on your phone or websites on your computer and remove any that you wouldn’t watch with Jesus sitting next to you.
            *When you post (or repost) something on social media, make sure it is positive and/or edifying.
            *Be honest and examine your TV and streaming time. Are there programs that really aren’t good for you spiritually or are just using up time you could be doing something that helps keep you mind on “things above”? If so, stop watching them.
. . . . Some tough habits to stop or to start—but possible with God’s guidance.

In His and your service,
Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

message 6

Philippians 4:8: “. . .whatever is true, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”     This is a tough challenge in our Western culture today. How can this be done when there are so many tempting things, trying to lead us down the wide path? Maybe, one place to start is by earnestly praying a petition that you often pray: “. . . lead us not into temptation. . . .” Then, when something comes to your attention that you know is not a wholesome thought or something that is not pure, lovely, or excellent, say that prayer again. Or maybe another prayer—or a quick praise—or have a favorite hymn or song verse or melody ready to replace the questionable thought—something that will turn your attention to your Savior and away from you.
A radio station that plays contemporary Christian music—K-LOVE, 105.3 FM—often challenges its listeners to listen only to K-LOVE [actually, any Christian station] for 30 days and see how that practice will positively change your attitude, mood, outlook on life. We are not necessarily putting that challenge on you, but it does encourage you to fill your mind with thoughts that are commendable and worthy of praise—so maybe try it in some form.
In His and your service, 
Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

Message 5

     In our first encouragements to you, we have given you some practical ways to improve your prayer life and your Scripture reading habits. Both these are understandable and acceptable to us—of course our faith will be strengthened by these two. However, today’s encouragement is a little tougher to accept as important and is tough to put into practice: guarding your mind from and avoiding anything that will harm you spiritually.
     The basis for this writing is found in Philippians 4:8: “. . .whatever is true, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” and Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
     Our culture and our flesh invite us to do just the opposite—to think about and indulge ourselves in whatever seems fun, pleasurable, exciting, titillating—but not to think about where those things may lead to. These things often start with ideas that seem harmless or safe, but they often lead to more extreme and more hurtful ideas and thoughts.  
     This week’s writing will not contain practical ideas (they will come later), but we are asking you to honestly evaluate yourself and compare what you allow into your minds with what St. Paul encourages in the verses above. The Holy Spirit is the agent for transforming your mind, but a mind filled with godly things is much more fertile ground for Him to work with—and the end result (knowing God’s will and strengthening your faith) is well worth the effort.
     In your service,
         Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

message 4

Once you start praying and reading or listening to Scripture on a more regular basis, don’t let distractions or busy schedules deter you or break any good habits that are forming. Please realize that we are not implying that you should adopt all of the ideas that we list, but are encouraging you to choose one or maybe two that look do-able, and see if they help you. Here are a few more ideas on listening to God’s voice through His love letter to us, the Bible:
            *If there is a topic or question that is on your mind, you need some extra encouragement or guidance, you are facing some tough times—but you don’t know where to look for help in Scripture—simply Google “Bible verses on . . . .” and you should be able to get a relevant list of verses. Some Bibles will also have such a list in their appendices.
            *There are many devotional websites and apps that will have Scripture closely tied to them. Our Daily Bread and Portals of Prayer are two examples. Try one out.     *Use a concordance, likely found in your Bible or go to, and look up a word you are interested in and read the passages where it is found (e.g. hope, forgiveness, comfort, etc.).

             Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

message 3

Our last encouragements to you were about prayer—the most common part of our communication with our Father. The other part of communicating with God is listening, and as Tony Dungy has stated, “God’s voice is written down in His word.” But sometimes reading the Bible can be intimidating. Following are some ideas to help you past that intimidation and listen to God’s voice—or listen in new ways.
            *Start by reading a few verses a day—or one chapter—maybe at the same time each day: when you rise, before you go to bed, when you first sit down in “your spot”—whatever works for you.
            *If reading is not “your thing,” try listening to an audible Bible app. Check Google Play or your App Library for possibilities. Bible Gateway app is only one of many possibilities. Listen as you drive to or from work, on a long trip, as you walk, or as you do other activities.
            *Where to start? The Gospel of Mark is a good place to acquaint yourself more with Jesus; any of Paul’s letters if you want godly instructions for living; the Psalms for praise and real human responses to God.
            But please, just start, and you will be blessed,
                  Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

message 2

As you spend time talking to our Father, keep in mind how awesome it is that the creator of the entire universe, the ruler of all, is allowing—even inviting—you to come into His presence—what a privilege! Don’t take that fact lightly or take it for granted. Following are some more ideas to help you pray more frequently and more fervently.

           *As you wake up in the morning, pray—thanking, praising, asking for grace and        
               strength to face the day.
            *Focus on and pray often about an unchurched friend, coworker, neighbor.
            *If you have a special need, especially a spiritual one, pray unceasingly about
                 that need, keeping in mind Jesus’ parable about the unjust judge (Lk 18:1-8).
            *If someone asks you to pray for them or you offer, don’t forget—and maybe do it
                 with them right away.
            *Before a presentation at work or school, before a confrontation, before
                 defending yourself—ask God for the right words and attitude and for His
                Spirit’s guidance.

MessAGE 1


There are many ways to strengthen your faith, but prayer is critically important. In our
relationships with others, communication is absolutely vital for them to last, grow, and flourish. Well, prayer is part of that communication between us and God. If we neglect it or relegate it to Sunday or only to certain events (e.g., mealtime), our relationship with God will not be all it could be. Jesus in His earthly ministry, constantly prayed to His Father, often before or after important events in His life. So please, don’t neglect this important facet in your Christian walk. Here are some ideas for strengthening your prayer life—if you think any will benefit you, try them:

o Remember you are talking to someone who loves you very much—ask Him to help you;

o Establish a time each day (short or long) for prayer;

o On walks, turn off any media; then focus on and talk to your Father;

o During activities that don’t require engaged thought, turn off technology and pray for
       a portion of the time;

o Establish “prayer triggers”—when you start the car, see a certain billboard, see the
        mailman, hear a siren, first sit down in your easy chair, etc. When one happens, say a    quick prayer.

Blessings on your growth,
Jordan, Mike, Jim, Randy, Pastor

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