Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

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Giving Information

“Online Giving” is a way for members and guests of Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church (DSLC) to practice their Christian stewardship and support the mission and ministry of our congregation.


To those who have been prompted by the Holy Spirit and have been blessed by the proclamation of the gospel through the ministry of DSLC and wish to make a contribution we say, “Thank you for your willingness to support the ministry of Divine Shepherd. Your gift enables you to be connected to our Mission and Vision toward ‘Reaching all with the Gospel.’ At Divine Shepherd we believe that every follower of Jesus Christ is to be a Steward of the Gospel and of all God’s blessings as they are connected to a local Christian congregation in Word and Sacrament Worship.”


Online giving key points:

  1. Do you find giving to your church difficult because you do not use a checkbook? Online giving may be the answer.
  2. You may choose to give one time or set up automatic recurring giving.
  3. You may wish to use just while on vacation or unable to attend a service.
  4. You may give to general funds and other accounts.
  5. Credit/debit cards accepted however direct transfers are lower cost for the church.
  6. We suggest setting up an account in order to later retrieve giving statements or to easily give in the future using a smart phone.
  7. Once an account is established you can always change or cancel recurring giving.
  8. Simply Giving is used by thousands of churches and endorsed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union. It is a product of Vanco Payment Solutions – providing secure electronic giving since 1998.